
Privacy Policy

Ever conscious of the need to respect your private life and protect the information that you provide to it, AGS complies with the legislation in effect with regard to the protection of private life and personal data.

The collection and processing of your personal data takes place in compliance with the provisions of law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on information technology, files and freedoms, as amended, and with the EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 concerning the protection of natural persons as regards the processing of personal data and the free circulation of said data, and repealing directive 95/46.

In order for you to be able to browse and communicate on our website with complete peace of mind, we have put in place a confidentiality charter. We reserve the right to amend this charter on the basis of changes to the AGS website or to the legislation in effect.


1. Personal data collected

1.1. Online forms on the website

The personal data collected is the data that you willingly provide when you fill in one of the online forms on the website, in order to request a quote for one of the services offered by AGS on our site, to get in touch with AGS or to give us your opinion as regards whether or not you are satisfied with the services offered.

The personal data collected thus includes:

  • Your contact details: surname, first name, postal address, telephone number (landline and/or mobile), email address
  • If applicable, in the case of a request for a quote for a removals service and/or storage of furniture, data related to the proposed move: address of destination and pick-up address, scheduled date of the move, reason for the move (change of job or other reason), any special requirements associated with the move (storage of furniture and transporting of vehicle)
  • If applicable, in the case of a request for a quote for a vehicle transportation service, data related to the transportation of the vehicle in question: address of destination and pick-up address, scheduled date of transportation and make and model of the vehicle
  • If applicable, in the case of a request for a quote for a parcel delivery service, data related to the delivery in question: arrival address and departure address, scheduled date of despatch and number of parcels.

By default, AGS will not be able to provide the services offered on its site, and in particular to draw up the quotes requested and make contact with you when you have asked to do so, and respond to your reviews and comments.


1.2. Cookies

AGS can also collect information automatically by using cookies deposited on the device that you use (computer, tablet, mobile, smartphone) when you visit the site, as long as it has your consent to do so, and you can withdraw your consent at any time.

Cookies are small amounts of information stored by the Web browser on the medium that you use (computer, tablet, mobile, smartphone). Cookies may be permanent or temporary. Permanent cookies are stored on your device for a maximum of thirteen (13) months. Temporary cookies disappear each time you close your browser.

Cookies are used to:

  • Ensure the proper functioning of the site, enable all the services offered by the site to be used, in particular to request a quote online, subscribe to updates and newsletters, visit the customized portal, locate items being shipped, fill in the online inventory, and fill in the satisfaction survey
  • Make it easier for you to browse the site, in particular by memorizing your connection data (IP address), and information related to your online requests for quotes, on the website
  • Carry out site maintenance and create site audience statistics, in particular by determining the number of visitors, the most-viewed pages, the amount of time for which you were connected, the type of browser used, the pages from which you accessed the site, the search engines used to access it, and the geographical location from whence you accessed the site.

AGS obtains your consent prior to depositing cookies.

You can alter the configuration of your browser so that it either accepts cookies or refuses to accept them, and to block or erase cookies which have already been placed on your browser. You can configure your browser software so that cookies are saved on your machine or, on the contrary, so that they are rejected, either systematically, or depending on who issued them. You can also configure your browser software so that you are asked whether you wish to accept cookies or not in good time, before a cookie can be saved on your machine.

In terms of how cookies are managed, each browser has a different configuration. The configuration is described in your browser’s help menu, and consulting this information will enable you to know how to alter your preferences with regard to cookies:

You can also consult the website of the National Commission for Information Technology and Freedoms (“CNIL”), where you will find instructions on how to configure the most commonly used browsers, at the following address: or consult the ‘Help’ section of the browser you are using.

You are informed that if you decide to refuse cookies, it is possible that you may not be able to use a number of features of the site. AGS rejects all liability for consequences associated with poor site performance resulting from AGS’s inability to save or consult the cookies necessary in order for it to function properly.


2. Processing of personal data

AGS is the data controller of your personal data

Your personal data is processed by AGS for the purposes of its activity, namely:

  • Processing users’ requests for quotes, sending them the quotes, contacting users after their quotes have been drawn up or in order to draw up a precise quote
  • Contact users who have asked to be contacted on the site
  • Reply to views and comments left by users
  • Respond to questions and complaints from users and provide customer services to the customers
  • Create and manage customers’ personal accounts: the personal data will be used in order to identify the customer and allow him to access certain features of the site, in particular to monitor the progress of the services entrusted to it
  • Carry out operations related to marketing, such as contacting users to give them commercial offers and updates
  • Send updates and newsletters
  • Conduct satisfaction surveys
  • Organize promotional operations
  • Analyse users’ personal data in order to provide them with relevant commercial offers and information
  • Test and improve the site and the services offered
  • Manage requests for the right of access, to rectification or to erasure, to object, to restriction of processing and to data portability of users’ personal data


3. Recipients of personal data

Your personal data will be received by the authorized staff from the client, marketing and/or commercial department of AGS and the authorized staff of the data processors used by AGS and needing to access the personal data in order to carry out their assignments, in particular IT service providers and technical service providers.

AGS undertakes not to disclose your personal data to any other third party without your explicit and prior consent, or in the circumstances listed below:

  • AGS may be required, by law, in the context of judicial proceedings, a dispute and/or any claim that may be made against it, to disclose your personal data
  • AGS may also disclose your personal data if it thinks that in the interests of national security, in application of the law or for any other public interest reason, disclosure is necessary or appropriate
  • AGS may also disclose your personal data if it thinks that said disclosure is reasonably necessary in order to promote compliance with this clause or to protect its activities or protect you
  • In the event of a restructuring, AGS may legitimately transfer all the personal data to its beneficiary


4. Retention periods

Your personal data is only retained for the period of time strictly necessary in order to achieve the aims for which it was collected and processed.

Any personal data about you that is used for the purposes of marketing is retained for a period of three (3) years starting from the moment it is collected on the site.

Any personal data about you that is collected with the help of cookies is retained for a period of thirteen (13) months starting from the moment it is collected on the site. Once the periods of time necessary in order to achieve the objectives for which it is processed are over, AGS undertakes to destroy your personal data or make it anonymous.


5. Marketing

AGS offers a free service for subscribing to updates and newsletters from AGS. Subscribers receive information about AGS, transport and international removals at regular intervals. Unless you give your advance and express consent, AGS undertakes not to use your personal data for the purposes of marketing, in particular for the sending of promotional messages, news, subscriptions to the newsletter, or any other operation related to the provision of information.

You may withdraw your consent for the receiving of marketing messages at any time by clicking on the erasure link included in the electronic marketing messages that are sent to you, or by editing the settings in your personal account or by sending an email to [email protected].


6. Your rights

The legislation concerning the protection of personal data gives you a number of rights, which are set out below.

The right of access enables you to access your personal data at any time.
The right to rectification enables you to rectify any personal data about you that is inaccurate or incomplete.
The right to object enables you to object, if you have legitimate grounds for doing so, to the processing of your personal data.
The right to restriction of processing enables you to restrict the processing of your personal data, in the cases set out in an exhaustive list in the current legislation.
The right to data portability enables you to receive personal data that concerns you and that you have provided to AGS, and to transmit it to another data controller, under the terms stipulated by the current legislation.
The right to erasure enables you to have your personal data erased, in the cases set out in an exhaustive list by the current legislation.
You may withdraw your consent for the processing of your personal data by AGS at any time.

Furthermore, you have the right to determine what happens to your personal data after your death, by drawing up instructions (either general or specific) pertaining to the retention, erasure or communication of your personal data after your death. You are hereby informed that you are free to designate a person responsible for carrying out your instructions and that you may change or revoke said instructions at any time.

You are entitled to exercise your rights of access, to rectification, to erasure, to object, to restriction of processing, to data portability, to draw up instructions related to the retention, erasure or communication of your personal data after your death, and to express your wish to withdraw your consent for the processing of your personal data by contacting AGS using the following contact details:

AGS will make every effort to act on your requests within a reasonable period of time and, in any event, within the time-limits set by the regulations in effect.

AGS will take all necessary precautions in order to verify the identity of the person making the request, before accessing, if need be, the person’s request, in order to prevent the risk of fraudulent requests.

You also have the right to submit a claim to the CNIL and to file a claim against AGS in the competent courts if you believe that AGS has committed a breach of your rights with regard to personal data. If a breach is found to have occurred, you will be able to receive full and effective compensation for the damage you have suffered.

Finally, you have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you.


7. Security of personal data

AGS applies its best efforts by taking all appropriate measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of your personal data, to prevent them being damaged or distorted and to prevent unauthorized third parties from accessing it and misusing it.

If you believe that your account has been the subject of misuse, you must contact AGS immediately at the following address: [email protected].

AGS is putting in place technical and organisational measures to ensure an appropriate level of security for your personal data, in particular:

  • Management and control of access to personal data
  • Installation of surveillance software for AGS’s IT network
  • Installation of anti-virus software and a firewall
  • Safeguarding and encryption of personal data
  • Restriction of access to the server with the help of a user-name and password
  • Regular assessment of all the methods of protection
  • Encryption of IT communications sent to AGS’s partners
  • Protection of physical documents currently in use
  • Storage of old physical files at a secure archiving depot
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